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Pain in right side of Chest – Symptoms
- A stabbing ache in the chest
- Ache in the region of the ribs
- Experiencing pain in the back as well as in the space between the shoulders
- Sharp discomfort experienced when sneezing or coughing
- A worsening of discomfort in conjunction with engaging in physical activities
- Abnormal rhythm of the heart
- Vomiting
- Having trouble breathing is a symptom.
- Breathlessness
- Both constipation and diarrhea being present
- Sweating
- Feeling sick to one’s stomach
- Indigestion
- A burning feeling that is felt in the ribcage
- Changes in the appearance of stool
What causes pain on the right side of the chest?
Pain on the right side of the chest may have a variety of causes, including trauma to the ribs on the right side, pneumonia, and other conditions.
In most cases, it is brought on by inflammation of either the gallbladder or the liver.
Additionally, this discomfort may spread to other areas of the body.
The following are some of the potential reasons of pain on the right side of the chest:
The most common cause of chest pain is overexertion, which happens when the chest muscles are worked harder than they should be. As a result of the tenderness of the chest muscles, this chest discomfort may become more severe when certain workouts are performed.
Viral Infection
Infections with a virus, such as the common cold or the flu, are another potential cause of pain in the chest. If a person suffering from a viral illness coughs or takes deep breaths, they will experience an increase in pain.
Inflammation of the pleura
Chest pain on the right side of the body caused by inflammation of the pleura, the membranes that surround the lungs; the pain is made worse by coughing or taking deep breaths. The space that can be found in between the pleural membranes is filled with a minute amount of fluid.
As the lungs operate, the liquid that is contained within these membranes provides assistance to the layers in their movement over each other.Inflammation of the pleura, also known as pleurisy, can be caused by conditions such as pneumonia and infections that affect the upper respiratory system.
When treating pain, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are the standard course of treatment recommended.
Antibiotics are prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with bacterial infections, and surgical draining of the infected fluid may also be an option.
Digestive Tract Problems
Problems with the digestive tract can cause discomfort in the chest. Chest pain is the most common symptom of digestive tract problems.
Gastritis is the medical term for the condition in which a person experiences chest pain following a meal or after a period of fasting.
Gallbladder Disease
Chest pain is a common symptom of gallbladder illness, which causes a person to experience discomfort in the chest area. It’s possible that eating foods high in fat is to blame for this. Pain on the right side of the chest may be another symptom of gallstones in the gallbladder. An ultrasound examination of the gallbladder can be carried out to determine the root of the problem.
Angina is a condition that develops when the coronary arteries get clogged. This can be the result of a number of factors, including diabetes, excessive cholesterol levels, smoking, and high blood pressure.
This causes discomfort in the chest, which is made worse by activities that require physical exertion, such as running, climbing stairs, or other similar activities. The discomfort may also manifest in other parts of the body, such as the neck, shoulders, arms, or jaw.
Inflammation of the liver
An inflamed liver can cause the chest to pop up, which can lead to chest pain. Infections caused by viruses, such as hepatitis A and hepatitis C, are to blame. Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol is one of the general causes of liver impairment, which can lead to chest pain. In order to get it treated, the doctor should be consulted as soon as possible.
Aortic dissection
The aorta, which is the body’s main artery and is made of layers of muscle cells, can be dissected.
When these layers begin to separate and break apart, blood will begin to flow outside of the circulatory system and into other parts of the body. Aortic dissection is the term that describes this ailment .This causes discomfort in the chest.
Accidental injury
Chest pain can be caused by any kind of neck injury or condition, so watch out for that!
Pain can also be caused by the displacement of the ribs.
Antacid Side Effects
Chest pain is one of the negative effects of regularly using antacids, which can occur in people who already have a history of taking the medication. An antacid can have this undesirable side effect.
Hepatitis produces pain in the right side of the chest and also interferes with the normal functioning of the liver.
Pancreatic Dysfunction
Pancreas dysfunction can also cause pain on the right side of the chest. This pain is caused by the pancreas not functioning properly.Nevertheless, it is essential to verify the issue with several examinations.
Psychic Stress
Chest pain can also be caused by mental strain, such as when a person is anxious about school, job, or a personal problem. Chest discomfort is one of the potential outcomes of the stressful psychological diseases listed below.
Pain on the right side of the chest is a symptom that may be experienced by a person who is going through a shock attack. Additionally, the individual will have shortness of breath, a burning sensation, and wheezing.
Although medication will help reduce the discomfort, deep breathing and other relaxation methods can also be beneficial.However, if the pain continues, it is best to get an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible by speaking with a cardiologist.The results of the tests will assist in determining if the discomfort is cardiac or of a nature other than cardiac.
Trapped Food
Food can become stuck in the esophagus, which can contribute to congestion and chest pain. Congestion can be caused when any food or liquid obstructs the esophagus.
Acid Reflux
Heartburn is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is when acid from the stomach travels back up into the esophagus and causes discomfort in the chest.
Chest pain is another symptom that may accompany the development of a tumor in or around the lungs.
Muscle Pull
Pain in the right side of the chest might be caused by pulling of muscles or damage to the ribs.
The majority of injuries will heal on their own, but if the pain lasts for more than a few days, you should seek medical attention.
Authoritative Clinical References
Chest pain in Primary Care → https://bmcprimcare.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2296-14-154
Chest Pain or Discomfort → https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK416/
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