When a pregnant woman has reached the time of delivery but there are no signs of labor, it can be very stressful for everyone involved. When a pregnant woman reaches the 40-week mark of her pregnancy, it is officially considered that the time has come for her to give birth.
There may be some variations in the scheduled delivery due dates as they are not always accurate.
It’s perfectly normal for a woman to give birth a week or two before or after her due date, and doctors consider these variations to be completely normal and part of the delivery process.On the other hand, if the baby does not arrive by the expected date, the expectant mother will feel a great deal of stress and worry about both her own health and the health of the baby.
Fortunately, there is a method that can be used to assist in inducing Labor and enabling the woman to give birth to the baby. A pregnant woman who uses acupressure during Labor may find that it speeds up the delivery of her baby.
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Acupressure – What Does It Mean?
You are probably familiar with the terms “acupuncture” and “acupressure,” and while both of these practises belong to the category of complementary and alternative medicine, the application methods for each are distinct.
Acupuncture is a well-known form of traditional Chinese medicine, but acupressure is not as well-known. Acupuncture involves inserting needles into areas of the body that are believed to control specific organs or mechanisms of the body. Acupressure, on the other hand, involves applying pressure to acupuncture points.
The primary purposes of acupuncture are to provide pain relief and to aid in the prevention of illness.
Acupressure, in contrast to acupuncture, employs the use of manual pressure rather than the insertion of needles in order to apply pressure to points that are located along the body’s meridians, which are also known as the body’s life-energy pathways.
Studies have shown that these alternative medical practices can be effective in alleviating or reducing Labor pain as well as anxiety. Despite the fact that these practises have been called into question, they continue to be used.
It is recommended that a pregnant woman consult her primary care provider prior to attempting to induce labor with acupressure.
It is recommended that the treatment be administered to a pregnant woman between the 10th and 12th week of their pregnancy, or during the woman’s final four weeks of pregnancy, for the best results.
The circulation of blood to the uterus can be improved with acupressure. Additionally, it helps to influence the responses of the hormones. Furthermore, it may aid in the stimulation of uterine contractions.
Acupressure is something that you should only do after consulting with your primary care physician.
When Should You Start Using Acupressure While You’re Pregnant?
It is important for pregnant women to be aware that acupressure should only be done during specific times of their pregnancies and not at any other time.
When used during the period of time between the 10th and 12th week of pregnancy as well as during the final four weeks of pregnancy, it is most beneficial.
After 40 weeks of pregnancy or gestation, you will only be able to use acupressure if you are in a post-term pregnancy. This means that your due date for the pregnancy has already passed.
Induction of labor through acupressure may be necessary in the following three scenarios:
- If the time for delivery has come and gone, but the baby has not yet been born:
- In the event that you are experiencing Labor and require contractions to assist in strengthening your muscles,
- In the event that your amniotic sac ruptures and you experience a flood of fluid prior to the start of Labor:
It is critical to have a conversation with your healthcare provider prior to receiving acupressure treatment. This is necessary because there are certain trigger points that may not be considered safe for the pregnant woman or the baby.
What You Should Know Prior to Attempting Acupressure
Before you get an acupressure treatment, it is highly recommended that you write down some key information about the procedure.
To begin, despite the fact that acupressure has not been verified by conventional medical professionals, many professionals in the field of alternative medicine believe that it can alleviate the discomfort associated with childbirth.
You could try to induce Labor with an acupressure technique, but if the body is not ready for it, it will not go into Labor and the technique will be useless. The second reason is that the body cannot go into Labor until it is ready.
However, due to the fact that these acupressure techniques for inducing Labor are not harmful when performed at the right time and in the right way, there may be no harm when you have it and you don’t go into Labor.
This is due to the fact that the body is not yet ready and prepared to begin the Labor process.
Points of Acupressure That Can Help Bring on Labor
The Sanyinjiao Point or Spleen 6 – This point, also called the Sanyinjiao Point, can be found on the posterior aspect of a woman’s shinbone about four centimetres or four fingers wide above the anklebone. It is also known as the Spleen 6 Point.
The Spleen 6 acupuncture point can shorten the duration of a woman’s Labor while also providing pain relief.
It is also believed that applying pressure to this acupressure point helps to encourage a woman to go into the Labor process by making the cervical ripen and strengthening the contractions. This is done by making the point at which the pressure is applied.
The individual should use the tip of their index finger to apply pressure to the Spleen 6 Point in order to work on the point.
This is accomplished with a light touch for a few seconds.
After releasing some of the pressure, the therapist takes a brief break of one minute before continuing with the procedure.
The Pericardium 8 Point is an acupressure point that is believed to be of great assistance in bringing on Labor. This point is also known by its Chinese name, Laogong.
This location is also referred to as the Labor Palace by some.
When an individual’s middle finger is bent, it can be found in the region of the palm that is in the middle between the individual’s second and third metacarpals.
You can apply pressure to this point by using the thumb of the hand that is not dominant.
Make sure that you give the area a light massage for a few seconds.
The Bladder 32 Point, also known as the Ciliao, can be found in the hollow of the buttocks. It is also referred to as the Ciliao.
It is possible to find it by running the fingers down the spine until they reach the region that is directly on top of the intergluteal cleft.
You can try massaging this point for a few seconds while applying pressure here and moving your hand in the direction of the buttock.
Take a short break, and then carry on with the process.
Inducing Labor contractions and treating gynaecological issues such as cervical infections and dilation can both be accomplished with the help of bladder 32 point.
Bladder 67 Point: This technique, which also goes by the name Zhiyin, helps turn babies who are breech into the correct position.
The acupressure point also helps to stimulate uterine contractions and trigger Labor by allowing the baby to move toward the lower parts of the pelvis, which is necessary for birth.
The Bladder 67 point can be found on the lateral side of the little toe, also known as the Pinky toe, of a person.
This region is approximately 0.2 millimetres (0.1 inch) posterior to the individual’s nail corner at the Pinky toe.
Inducing Labor by applying sustained pressure to the Bladder 67 point with the index or thumb finger of either hand can be helpful.
Be sure to apply the pressure in such a way that it feels like you are pinching the toe while you are doing it.
Having said that, the pinch needs to be so light that you don’t even feel the slightest bit of discomfort.
Large Intestine 4 Point: This location, which is also referred to as Hoku or Joining Valley, plays an important role in stimulating and assisting the process of Labor in a woman.
When pressure is applied to this point, the contractions become more effective, and if there are any that are irregular, they are normalised and become more consistent.
In addition to this, pressing on the point can help relieve pain and boost immunity.
The Large Intestine 4 point can be found on the back of the hand, approximately an inch above the web, in the space that separates the webs of the index and thumb fingers.
You can apply a significant amount of pressure to the point with the thumb of the other hand, and then massage it for approximately one minute.
After that, the pressure is released, and you take a short break before beginning the process once more.
Kidney 1 Point: This point, which also goes by the name Yong Quan, is beneficial for achieving a state of relaxation.
At any point during the Labor process, a woman can benefit from applying pressure to the foot pressure point.
When pressure is applied to this point, it produces a calming effect on the entire body.
When the foot is in the plantar flexion position, a depression will appear on the sole of the foot. This is the location of the Kidney 1 Point.
This describes a movement of the foot that allows the toes or the foot as a whole to bend downwards in the direction of the sole.
The intersection of the sole’s middle and front toes is where you’ll find the point in question.
When a woman is experiencing Labor that is accompanied by anxiety, applying pressure to this point can be helpful.
When a person is seated in a position where they are on their knees, the Yong Quan is the most effective pressure point to use.
This acupressure point, also known as Jian Jing, is located on the gallbladder and is known to help stimulate contractions and allow the baby to move down into the pelvic region.
In addition, the point helps alleviate the pain that is associated with Labor.
The gallbladder 21 Point can be located on the uppermost portion of the trapezius muscle, directly above the nipple.
The peak region of a person’s shoulder that is situated in a direction away from their neck is known as the nipple.
The application of pressure at this point will assist with the Labor process.
Simply apply a light amount of pressure and massage the point in a downward direction.
Liver 3 Point: Located on the feet, this acupressure point, which is also known as Tai Chong, is known for its ability to alleviate lower back pain during Labor.
Applying pressure to this point can also help with anxiety and insomnia, as well as cramping associated with menstruation.
The acupressure point is situated on the top part of the foot, between the big toe and the second toe, specifically between the two toes.
From these toes, it is approximately two or three centimetres away.
Simply exert a very slight amount of pressure with your thumb for a few seconds.
Bladder 60 Point: The Bladder 60 Point, also known as Kunlun, can be found located behind the ankle joint. It is beneficial in assisting the birthing process and reducing the pain associated with Labor.
Additionally, it assists in preventing the baby from experiencing any obstructions during the birthing process.
The location of the acupressure point is in the space that can be found between the prominence of the lateral malleolus and the Achilles tendon.
You can apply forceful pressure on the point with the thumb and then massage it for a few minutes in order to assist with the Labor process.
Bladder 48 Point – This acupressure point, also known as Yang Gang, can be found outside the sacrum in the region that is approximately halfway between the base of the buttocks and the iliac crest. It is referred to as the
The iliac crest is the part of the hipbone that is located at the top, while the sacrum is the large bony area that is found at the base of the spine.
Bladder 48 Point, which can also be known as Bladder Vitals, is an acupressure point that eases the discomfort of back pain during Labor and stimulates the flow of energy through a woman’s pelvis.
This acupressure point is beneficial for treating pelvic tension, lower backache, hip pain, and sciatica, all of which can develop during pregnancy. It is also beneficial for relieving sciatica.
To stimulate the acupressure point, you must first massage the region for a few minutes while applying a light amount of pressure to the area.You should proceed with caution when stimulating the region because it is very sensitive.
Bladder 28 Point: This technique, which can also be referred to as Pang Guang Shu or Bladder Shu, is used to alleviate the lower back pain that is associated with Labor.
The Bladder 28 Point can be found along the inner bladder line, exactly in the middle of the body, halfway between the ribcage and the sacrum.
You can stimulate this pressure point by using your index finger and pressing down on it for a few minutes. This will activate the point.
Kidney 3 Point, also known as the Great Ravine or Tai Xi, is a helpful acupuncture point for relieving lower back pain during Labor. Kidney 3 Point is located on the lower right side of the pelvis. healthy emotional state can also be restored and fear alleviated by applying pressure to the aforementioned pressure point.
The Kidney 3 Point is located on the inner aspect of the person’s ankle, approximately in the middle of the space that runs from the back of the ankle to the anklebone. The thumb can be used to press this point in order to activate it.Simply exert a light amount of pressure while massaging the point in an upward direction.Be sure to carry out the procedure for about a minute before pausing it.
Acupuncture’s Positive Effects on Labor and Delivery
The use of acupressure points during Labor is beneficial in many different ways. For example, it can help stimulate the flow of blood, which in turn makes it easier for the baby to move into the pelvis.
Additionally, it assists in correctly orienting the baby in order to facilitate an easier delivery. Also, acupressure may assist with the relaxation of muscle contractions and the opening of the cervix.
Acupressure has a number of additional benefits, including the ability to alleviate pain and assist with the anxiety and panic that can be associated with Labor.
Acupressure and the Induction of Labor: Some Helpful Hints and Tips
It is important to ensure that you are performing an acupressure treatment for Labor in the appropriate manner.
It is necessary to stimulate the points in the appropriate manner. Stop stimulating the points immediately if you experience any kind of pain while doing so.
Acupressure can be used to ensure comfort in the following ways:
- Beginning the session with breathing exercises rather than stretching out to begin with
- Stimulating the pressure points in any order that you choose to.
- It is important to keep in mind that the pressure points that help reduce discomfort during the early stages of Labor are located at the bladder 48, bladder 28, kidney 3, and stomach 29 points.
- Putting some effort into these areas will help ease some of the discomforts associated with Labor.
- Giving your partner permission to help you rub your feet during Labor and after the baby is born is a thoughtful gesture.
- It is beneficial to use acupressure points at any time during the Labor and delivery process because they aid in relaxation and relieve back pain.They get the body ready for Labor so that it goes more smoothly.
- Knowing that the pressure points for the large intestine (point 4), the spleen (point 6), and the gallbladder (point 21) help with delivery and preparing the body for the process.
The sole purpose of the stimulation techniques is to simplify the process of inducing Labor without causing any discomfort or pain to the patient.
Keep in mind that different points may work differently for different women, so you may try stimulating each of them to see how the body will react to the stimulation. Remember that different points may work differently for different women.
What Other Natural Methods can induce Labor?
There are a number of other natural methods that can be utilized to induce Labor in addition to applying pressure to specific acupressure points. These methods are as follows:
Walking: The movement of the hips when walking can coax the baby to move downward into the pelvis. In this way, the baby will also apply pressure on the pelvic region, which helps to stimulate the cervix, thereby causing it to become thinner and get ready for labor.
Walking can potentially help speed up the labor process in pregnant women who are also experiencing contractions.
Remember that even though walking won’t help to make the body enter into labor, it will still help in shaping up and preparing it for the period after you have delivered your baby. Walking helps in shaping up and preparing the body for the period after you have delivered your baby.Take care not to walk too much further than necessary.
Evening primrose oil – This is a form of the herb evening primrose, which is known for its ability to thin and dilate the cervix, thereby preparing a woman for Labor. This herb is available in a variety of preparations.
Either a woman can choose to swallow the pill, which comes in the form of a capsule, or she can choose to insert the capsule into her vagina.
The cervix of a woman can also benefit from the application of the extract of evening primrose oil.
Before using this herb, you should make sure that you discuss it with a medical professional first because it has the potential to aggravate certain conditions, such as placenta previa.
Red raspberry leaf – This is another herb that has the potential to speed up the Labor process.
Before using any of these herbs, you should consult with a trained medical professional at all times.
Castor oil – This is a type of vegetable oil that can be used as a laxative. It does this by inducing muscle spasms within the intestines, which in turn helps the bowel to move more quickly.
It’s possible that when you have these spasms, your uterus becomes irritated, which then causes contractions to start.Although using this vegetable oil during Labor can be helpful, there is a risk that it will give you diarrhoea, which is not something you want if you are getting ready to give birth.
Castor oil should only be used after a discussion with your primary care provider.
Nipple stimulation – Stimulation of the nipple can be accomplished by regularly massaging and twisting the area around the nipple.
Nipple twisting and massaging both stimulate the body’s natural release of the oxytocin hormone, which is the primary factor in the beginning of contractions.
It is important to note that this method, which results in contractions that are both more painful and continue for a longer period of time, is not utilised very frequently by medical professionals.
These excruciating contractions, which continue for extended periods of time, can be hazardous to the health of the baby because they can slow down her heart rate.
If you do not have access to the guidance of a qualified medical professional, you should not attempt to carry out this procedure at all.
Pineapple – Consuming pineapples can assist in elevating bromelain levels in the body.
An enzyme known as bromelain can assist in making the cervix more pliable.When pineapples are consumed, they help stimulate the stomach as well as the uterus, which can result in the beginning of Labor contractions.
In a nutshell, if you are experiencing a delay in the delivery of your baby because the contractions aren’t coming, you might want to consider giving the acupressure points a try. These additional natural labor induction methods might also be of assistance.
Castor oil and nipple stimulation are two examples of things that warrant a consultation with a qualified medical professional, as was previously mentioned.
Authoritative Clinical References
Acupuncture and Acupressure in Labor → https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28002621/
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