
Are Ear Infections Contagious?

You probably have experienced the symptoms of an ear infection at some point in your life, whether they came in the form of sharp pain, a dull ache, the sensation of pressure building up in […]


Where is the Solar Plexus?

There are a variety of conditions that can cause pain in the solar plexus, ranging from conditions that affect the stomach to infections that can affect neighbouring organs like the liver, heart, or pancreas.   […]


Can you have Chills Without Fever?

Chills refer to the alternate relaxation and contraction of muscles in a rapid succession. This is a mechanism through which the body generates warmth when an individual’s body losses heat and gets cold. It is […]


Can Bed Bugs Get in your Hair?

Bed bugs are pesky insects that are small and brownish in color. They usually feed on human or animal blood. The adult ones are usually flat in shape and their size is almost equivalent to […]